Allô Retour à La Base - DAYS 4 & 5

The skippers have left you a message!
Throughout Retour à La Base, skippers have the opportunity to leave messages on our official answering machine. Find out what you've missed about their adventures at sea!
Boris Herrmann - MALIZIA - SEAEXPLORER, on December 04 :
“Hello and welcome to another episode of end of watch”
Pip Hare - Medallia, on December 04:
"We are hooked into the breeze before the front, I am not as far north as I was hoping so today I am going to gybe and get into some bigger breeze. It is a really hard decision to make, because the chart is a false friend and the moment. All of a sudden I am at the same longitude as the people ahead of me but I know I am that much further south and also on trajectory I am on I am sailing out of the bigger breeze rather than into and I just need to go a little bit faster for a little bit longer, so I am going to have to dig deep and sail in the wrong direction for a bit. I am still kind of battling with the gremlins on board but everything seems to be in a manageable state, I slept pretty well actually, I am really bored with my food at the moment, eating is a problem but other than awesome sailing, awesome boats, awesome race…!"
Boris Herrmann - Malizia, on December 04 :
“We were transitioning from this beautiful afternoon yesterday on smooth water that always make the biggest difference...”