Barely finished, but already prepping ahead…

Following each other to dock at the Fort-de-France pontoons at the end of the Transat Jacques Vabre, many skippers have the pressing issue of the Retour À La Base front and centre of their minds. Clearly with the start due on Thursday 30th there is little time to party, and come to that precious little time to chill out and recover.
Certainly that has been the case for Damien Seguin (APICIL Group), Louis Burton (Bureau Vallée), Romain Attanasio (Fortinet Best Western), and even Sébastien Simon (Dubreuil Group). Reactions on the pontoons.
Damien Seguin (APICIL Group):
The “Retour À La Base?” I obviously thought about it: some of my choices have been dictated by this upcoming race. We had to finish this race with a boat fit to set off again. We broke a rudder, we have a little work to do in the next few days. There is work to do, but I will be able to get going. After this big learning phase, it will be great to compete in this race. Automation will come back quickly and with a smile!”
Louis Burton (Bureau Vallée):
“We’re not going to party too much because I’m going back solo in ten days! There are only a few things to do on the boat, it is in good condition. The team is on a war footing to prepare everything. As for me, I need to recharge the batteries properly. The program is rest, a bit of beach time, doing some local provisioning. Tomorrow, we're going out sailing with some Martinicans from Bureau Vallée, we'll show them around the boat before taking a little break, swimming in the lagoons, doing some beaches, rest... Now that we have technically validated the boat, we know that there is a still a huge program until the start of the Vendée Globe. We have to get on with it and stay on top of our objectives.
Sébastien Simon (Dubreuil group):
“Well, despite the disappointment we must not forget that the first objective was to finish here with the boat, to collect points for qualification for the Vendée Globe and to be able to set off on the Retour À La Base, and I really want to go. We can leave whenever you want! I want to take my revenge, I am convinced that I can do well. I am someone who has trouble letting go and here, I am still in the rhythm. I want to do well, to sign the bottom of the page. We have a great project, a great team, the only thing missing so far is to achieve good results.”