Message from Alan Roura - Hublot : DAY 4

What a night! From 28 to 8 knots of wind, same for the boat speed. If I've managed to rest for 2 hours in the last 24, that's good, I think! In 3 squalls, I've lost my lead over Violette, Pépin and Cali. I'm frustrated, I've lost a day's work, but it's no big deal, I'll make up for it! On board, everything seems to be going well. I don't really dare go and have a look at the boat's structure, as it's still moving and jumping too much. But as soon as it becomes "possible to move around", I'll take a look around. I'll be able to put a sail on the bowsprit in no time, as the wind is gradually picking up, which is good news, because since the start, we've been making fairly tight headway. What's to come next is going to be quite lively weather-wise. It's strong, even very strong if you want to go too far north. We're going to have to be careful not to get caught in a depression with no way out...
It's getting light over here, and if I can manage to have a coffee without spilling the whole thing, that'll be a small victory in itself!