News from Conrad Colman - Mail Boxes Etc: Day 1

It was a crazy, crazy night when the sun went down the show got going. We were meant to have 22 knots of wind and I had 38 and the sea was screaming and splashing all over the place. The routing had me with full main and Code Zero and in real life I was reefed down and J3, and honing along.
The keel I have now maybe needs a bit of work as at 18kts of boat speed it starts humming and when it goes over 20 kts it starts screaming. So it sounded like a crazy banshee choir! Otherwise good wind means good progress towards the north. In terms of latitude from the Equator we have now doubled our distance since leaving Martinique. And you feel it, it is more temperate. Tomorrow night I will need to get the sleeping bag out. But I am excited to get closer to the wintery north.