Sam Goodchild

A childhood spent on a boat, a meeting with Alex Thomson, sailing from one support to another where he proved to be formidable; and now, here he is at the helm of his first Imoca. A childhood spent on a boat, a meeting with Alex Thomson, sailing from one support to another where he proved to be formidable; and now, here he is at the helm of his first Imoca.

The 'Vendée', a word that has resonated in his adventurous mind since his earliest childhood and his father's reading. He will be joining TR Racing at the start of 2023 - an experienced team and a way of working that he likes. Everything led to this project. Sam has always loved a challenge, and this is his greatest challenge.

Rarely, if ever, does sailing have a two-boat team: FOR PEOPLE AND PLANET.  At the helm of their own boat, skippers Thomas Ruyant and Sam Goodchild will be the spokespersons for the WE SAIL FOR PEOPLE AND PLANET collective, which encourages companies to take action for people and the planet.

Suivre sur les réseaux :


Sam, what are your objectives for this "Retour à La Base"?

It'll be a discovery after a busy year of double-handed sailing, which hasn't left me much time to devote to solo sailing. This will be my first solo race on the boat, so it's my first time getting to grips with the boat on my own with a view to next year's two transatlantic races and the Vendée Globe. There's also the pressure of qualifying, I have to finish the race so as not to put myself in danger for the Vendée, as I didn't do the Route du Rhum.

What is your very own Base?

We're settling in permanently on the La Base site with TR Racing, thanks to the construction of a new building. So the Return to La Base will really be 'our' return to our new base, and it will be a great moment for the whole team. The project is growing fast, with two boats on the same project, so we'll be stronger together. For me, it's great to be able to do my first IMOCA project so well surrounded, so I'm making the most of it!

What is the 'base' of solo sailing compared to double-handed?

The transition will be fairly radical after the finish of the Transat Jacques Vabre. You'll have to manage your fatigue to make sure you don't forget what's at stake in this race. The rest days will have to be as light as possible, so we won't have to set ourselves too high a target and really rest, eat well, take time away from the boat before gradually getting our heads back into it, as well as into the weather. We mustn't put too much pressure on ourselves either, as the most important thing is to finish. It's going to be an endurance race and not a sprint, so it'll be important to sail with that in mind. Even if that's easy to say ashore, you always end up getting caught up in the game once you're at sea!





Rolex Fastnet Race - 3e
The Ocean Race - 2e (avec Holcim-PRB)
Guyader Bermudes 1000 Race - 3e

Transat Jacques Vabre - 7e









Dhream Cup - Vainqueur
La 1000 milles des Sables - Vainqueur
Pro Sailing Tour - 2e

Pro Sailing Tour - Vainqueur
Transat Jacques Vabre - 3e

Dhream Cup - Vainqueur
Transat Jacques Vabre - 2e

RORC Carabean 600 - Vainqueur

Normandy Channel Race - Vainqueur


Architect: Guillaume Verdier
Building: 2019, Persico Marine, Italie
Launching: 09/07/2019
Former name: LINKEDOUT


Lenght: 18,28m
Beam: 5,85m
Draught: 4,50m
Weight: 8 tonnes
Mast height: 29m
Mast type: Mât-aile
Foils: yes
Upwind: 320 m2
Downwind: 430 m2


WE SAIL FOR PEOPLE AND PLANET is a collective of committed players, centred around two yachts, For People and For the Planet, and two skippers, Thomas Ruyant and Sam Goodchild, which aims to harness the power of top-level sport to accelerate concrete, high-potential social and environmental programmes. WE SAIL FOR PEOPLE AND PLANET is a collective of committed players, centred around two yachts, For People and For the Planet, and two skippers, Thomas Ruyant and Sam Goodchild, which aims to harness the power of top-level sport to accelerate concrete, high-potential social and environmental programmes. 
It has come together to involve companies in global action in favour of people and the planet through two sailing boats and two skippers - ambassadors, Thomas Ruyant's FOR PEOPLE and Sam Goodchild's FOR THE PLANET, who in 2023 will be supporting the initiatives of the Entourage association and the Team For the Planet citizen fund respectively.
Team for the Planet
Following the example of the Entourage association, which is being promoted on Thomas Ruyant's new sailboat FOR PEOPLE, the largest community of citizens committed to reducing greenhouse gases is embarking on board the sailboat FOR THE PLANET, skippered by British sailor Sam Goodchild and joining the WE SAIL FOR PEOPLE AND PLANET collective.

Entrepreneurship at the service of the climate emergency! Team for the Planet creates companies that are designed and configured from A to Z to combat greenhouse gases. Its mission is to identify high-impact innovations around the world and recruit seasoned entrepreneurs to transform the 100 best innovations into companies with solid business models. Team for the Planet injects money and the power of a network of over 100,000 shareholders to maximise and accelerate the deployment of these companies. All innovations are widely disseminated thanks to an open licensing model. Any individual or legal entity can join the adventure from €1 in 2 minutes and take concrete action, on a global scale, against climate change.



Advens is a leading French cybersecurity company. With its independence and more than 400 experts in France and Europe, it helps companies to prevent and neutralise cyberattacks. But that's not its only vocation: Advens wants to have an impact on the world. It is building a committed business model that allows it to dedicate 50% of the Advens group's capital to the development and acceleration of initiatives that aim to have a large-scale impact on people and the planet.




Leyton is a leading global financial consultancy. Its mission, Empower your future, is to sustainably accelerate everyone's performance in order to build a more responsible world.